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Most studentsby most students.participate in the discussion, askingquestions of the teacher and of oneanother.Engaging Students inMost students are cognitively engagedStudents are cognitively engaged Learningthroughout the lesson with appropriatethroughout the lesson and makeand relevant activities, materials,contributions to the content beingcontent, lesson structure, sequencingstudied, the activities, and theand pacing that result in student-materials; the structure, sequencing,student interaction and learning.and pacing of the lesson allow forrelevant student reflection, student-student interaction, and synthesis.Assessing StudentAssessment is aligned with the lesson,Students learn to self-assess and plan Learningand data is used to plan instructionfor their own learning needs becauseand to help students monitor their ownof meaningful feedback on assessmentsmeaning.from the teacher and students.Demonstrating FlexibilityModifies instructional plan butFlexibility is used in seeking ways to and Responsivenesssometimes misses opportunities topromote successful learning forbuild on student interest and questions.students, with adjustments made asneeded. Students' interests andquestions are encouraged, andpersistence is used in ensuring thesuccess of all students.Creating an Environment ofInteractions, both between the teacherStudents are considerate of each Rapport and Respectand students and among students, areother's time and property and anticipategenerally polite and respectful ofthe needs of others, offering help inindividual, cultural, and developmentalclassroom interactions.differences among groups of students.Establishing a Culture forCommitment to learning focusesStudents assume much of the Learningstudents on relevant interactions withresponsibility for establishing a culturethe content; expectations for achieve-for learning in the classroom by takingment are realistic.pride in their work, initiating improve-ments to their products, and holdingtheir work to the highest standard.Managing ClassroomClassroom routines and procedures,Classroom routines and procedures, Proceduresincluding those involving volunteers andincluding those involving volunteers andparaprofessionals, are seamless andparaprofessionals, are seamless infunction smoothly with little loss oftheir operation, and students assumeinstructional time; students generallyresponsibility for establishing andfollow routines and procedures.implementing procedures for theconfusion among students.classroom's smooth functioning.ElementsCompetent (C)Exemplary (E)Managing StudentMost student behavior is appropriate;Student behavior is appropriate with Behaviorthere is an awareness of studentevidence of student participation inbehavior, clear standards of conductsetting expectations and monitoringhave been established, and consistentbehavior; monitoring of studentappropriate response to studentbehavior is subtle and preventive;misbehavior, that is respectful ofresponse to student behavior isstudents, is exhibited.sensitive to individual students needs.Organizing Physical SpaceThe classroom's physical arrangementThe classroom is safe, and studentssupports the learning activities; standardhelp ensure that the physical environ-safety procedures in the physicalment supports the learning of allenvironment are apparent resulting instudents.students' abilities to complete activitieswithout risk of physical harm; learningis accessible to all students.     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'   % TJUUAAJ5LOral and/or written communication contains errors, isP!     $$       % % % % " !% %   _ RpArialxD51 0&xN51&0t n0Arial1' &ww \tI0dv%   T` <:UUAA .Lunclear, and/or is inappropriate for students.            % % % % % " !% %   @p% % % % %   T @oUUAA ?LxStudent Communication: %%  % T@nUUAA@?L Communication does not facilitate appropriate intern student-e $$               % % % % " !% %   _ %   T, tUUAA t%Lstudent or student-student exchanges.S        % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LtStandard English: v   % TUUAAGLDisplays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.L           $       % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % % " !% %    % % % % % %   TP  UUAA +LUsing Questioning and Discussion Techniques  !        % TX UUAALP % TpUUAA Ld(3.4s-3.6s)     % % TT9V UUAA9LPDTT UUAALPCTTn UUAAnLPE% % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   @% % % % %   T\ ?UUAA -LQuality of Questions/Discussion Techniques: !   !       % T<}>UUAA(LAsks low-level questions in a recitation         % % % % " !% %   _ %   T DrUUAA D7Lformat, resulting in trivialized student participation. $              % % % % % " !% %   x% % % % %   T xUUAA wLxStudent Participation:    % TxxPUUAAx2L Students' responses do not reflect new learning.            % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LEngaging Students in Learning       % TtIUUAA1L(1.3s-1.4s, 1.7s, 1.11s, 1.21s-1.23s, 3.8s-3.14s)                 % % TT9VUUAA9LPDTTUUAALPCTTnUUAAnLPE% % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T 'UUAA LRepresentation of Content:   % T(xUUAA(<L Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a #              % % % % " !% %   _ %   TD BUUAA )Lresult of poor representation of content.         % % % % % " !% %   Hx% % % % %   T H9wUUAA GLActivities and Assignments:      %% T:HvUUAA:H<L Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a #              % % % % " !% %   _ %   T |UUAA |3Lresult of inappropriate activities and assignments.          $  % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LxGrouping of Students:!   % TUUAACL Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a result #                % % % % " !% %   _ %   T UUAA Lof inappropriate grouping.      % % % % % " !% %   H% % % % %   T, GUUAA %LMaterials, Resources, and Technology:#      % T`lFUUAA.L Many students are not engaged in significant #           % % % % " !% %   _ %   T LzUUAA LELlearning as a result of inappropriate use of materials and resources.            $      % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA "LStructure, Sequencing, and Pacing:     % T`'UUAA.L Many students are not engaged in significant #           % % % % " !% %   _ %   T UUAA ^Llearning as a result of a lack of lesson structure and/or inappropriate sequencing and pacing.                        % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T XUUAA LAssessing Student Learning      % T\YUUAAY-L(1.24s-1.25s, 1.27s-1.28s-1.29s, 3.15s-3.17s)               % % TT9VUUAA9LPDTTUUAALPCTTnUUAAnLPE% % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   L% % % % %   T KUUAA LImplementation of Assessment: % %   % % THJUUAA*LAssessment is not aligned with the lesson.$         % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   P% % % % %   T0 P)UUAA O&LCommunicates Criteria and Standards: %%       % TT*P~UUAA*P,LDoes not communicate assessment criteria and  $$   $    % % % % " !% %   _ % % % " !% %     T UUAA Lxstandards to students.      % % " !% %   _ % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T fUUAA LpUse for Planning:    % TgUUAAg=L Assessment results are not used to plan future instruction. $              % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T, UUAA %LQuality and Timeliness of Feedback: !    %    % TtUUAA1LStudents are not provided constructive and timely           $ % % % % " !% %   _ %   T NUUAA  L`feedback.  % % % % % " !% %   T% % % % %   T` TUUAA S.LDemonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness %         % T[&UUAA[L(1.8s, 3.5s, 3.18s-3.20s)         % % TT9TVUUAA9SLPDTTTUUAASLPCTTnTUUAAnSLPE% % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LpLesson Adjustment:  %% T UUAAAL Adheres to the instructional plan in spite of a lack of student                  % % % % " !% %   _ %   T UUAA Lunderstanding or interest.      % % % % % " !% %    % % % % %   T UUAA LxResponse to Students:  % TUUAAL Ignores students' questions.       % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   $T% % % % %   T $SUUAA # LdPersistence: % T$RUUAA$GL Assumes little or no responsibility when students fail to understand. $               % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   X% % % % %   Tl XUUAA W0LCreating an Environment of Rapport and Respect     %     % T_UUAA_L(2.1s-2.2s, 2.20s-2.21s, 3.2s)           % % TT9XVUUAA9WLPDTTXUUAAWLPCTTnXUUAAnWLPE% % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T &UUAA LInteractions with Students:   !  % T'/UUAA'7L Classroom interactions between the intern student and  $           % % % % " !% %   _ %   TX @UUAA WLstudents are disrespectful or inappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact,             $       % T " UUAA  L`conflict).   % % % % % " !% %   ( X % % % % %   T ( W UUAA ' LtStudent Interaction:  % T( V UUAA( <L Classroom interactions among students are disrespectful or  $    $        % % % % " !% %   _ %   T \  UUAA \ DLinappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact, conflict).      $          % % % % % " !% %     % % % % %   T,  UUAA %LEstablishing a Culture for Learning          % T } UUAA Ld(2.3s-2.5s)     % % TT9 V UUAA9 LPDTT  UUAA LPCTTn  UUAAn LPE% % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %     % % % % %   T  UUAA LxImportance of Content: %  % T  UUAA 8L Demonstrates a low level of commitment to the content. $       $$ $     % % % % " !% %   _ % % % % " !% %    ( % % % % %   TH ' UUAA *LExpectations for Learning and Achievement:       %% TP & UUAA +L Demonstrates low expectations for student $          % % % % " !% %   _ %   T@ , Z UUAA , SLachievement. Student products are not evident or do not reflect relevant learning. $                  % % " !% %   ` '% (   &% +p6+% Ld+p.+p4!??% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% +T6+% Ld+T.+T4!??% +X6+% Ld+X.+X4!??% 6` % Ld_  !??% 6` % Ld_  !??% 6` % Ld_  !??% p6` % Ldp_ p!??% + 6+ % Ld+ . + 4!??% 6% Ld!??% l6l% Ldlol!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% <6<% Ld<?<!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld  !??% t6t% Ldtwt!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% D6D% LdDGD!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% |6|% Ld||!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% L6L% LdLOL!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% P6P% LdPSP!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld # !??% T6T% LdTWT!??% 6% Ld!??% $ 6$ % Ld$ ' $ !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??% \ 6\ % Ld\ _ \ !??% ( % " !%   _ % ( ( ( ( ( " F4(EMF+*@$??FEMF+@ ObjInfo WorkbookqZSummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8 FBa=2 = !8X1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)                + ) , *     (@  ( @  (@  (  (  (@  (  (    (@@ 8@ 8@@  (@@  (@  ( @  "8@   ( @      (@   (   (   (  "8   (@   (   (  "8   h@@    h@    h @   "8@ @   (@@   (@   h @   h@   h    h@    h    (@@   (@   ( @  (@  (@@  (@   (@  8  (@   h  h@@   h@   h@  h@  h   h  h@@  h@  "8@@   h@@   h@ Sheet1XSheet2~YSheet3TgmMCDlevel. Circle performance If D, check reason.Suggestions for Improvement:ElementsVDirections and Procedures: Oral and/or written directions and procedures are unclear.QOral and Written Language: Oral and/or written communication contains errors, is.unclear, and/or is inappropriate for students.UStudent Communication: Communication does not facilitate appropriate intern student-%student or student-student exchanges.ZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.UQuality of Questions/Discussion Techniques: Asks low-level questions in a recitation-7format, resulting in trivialized student participation.HStudent Participation: Students' responses do not reflect new learning.2Communicating Clearly and Accurately (3.1s, 3.3s)$& 8Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3.4s-3.6s)+- VRepresentation of Content: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a)result of poor representation of content.WActivities and Assignments: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a3result of inappropriate activities and assignments.XGrouping of Students: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a resultof inappropriate grouping.SMaterials, Resources, and Technology: Many students are not engaged in significant%Elearning as a result of inappropriate use of materials and resources.PStructure, Sequencing, and Pacing: Many students are not engaged in significant"^learning as a result of a lack of lesson structure and/or inappropriate sequencing and pacing.PEngaging Students in Learning (1.3s-1.4s, 1.7s, 1.11s, 1.21s-1.23s, 3.8s-3.14s) IImplementation of Assessment: Assessment is not aligned with the lesson.standards to students.IAssessing Student Learning (1.24s-1.25s, 1.27s-1.28s-1.29s, 3.15s-3.17s) NUse for Planning: Assessment results are not used to plan future instruction.GDemonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness (1.8s, 3.5s, 3.18s-3.20s). SLesson Adjustment: Adheres to the instructional plan in spite of a lack of studentunderstanding or interest.3Response to Students: Ignores students' questions.SPersistence: Assumes little or no responsibility when students fail to understand. NCreating an Environment of Rapport and Respect (2.1s-2.2s, 2.20s-2.21s, 3.2s)0 RInteractions with Students: Classroom interactions between the intern student andWstudents are disrespectful or inappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact, conflict).PStudent Interaction: Classroom interactions among students are disrespectful orDinappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact, conflict).0Establishing a Culture for Learning (2.3s-2.5s)% NImportance of Content: Demonstrates a low level of commitment to the content.UExpectations for Learning and Achievement: Demonstrates low expectations for student*Sachievement. Student products are not evident or do not reflect relevant learning.+Managing Classroom Procedures (2.8s-2.13s) \Transitions: Transition procedures are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.XMaterials and Supplies: Procedures for handling materials and supplies are haphazard,Einefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.ZNon-instructional Duties: Procedures for handling non-instructional duties are haphazard,VVolunteers and Paraprofessionals: Procedures for volunteers and paraprofessionals are!Phaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time..Managing Student Behavior (2.7s, 2.14s-2.17s) UExpectations: Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of clear expectations. SMonitoring of Student Behavior: Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of!monitoring of student behavior.VResponse to Student Behavior: Responds inappropriately to student behavior, resultingin loss of learning time.(Organizing Physical Space (2.18s-2.19s) NEnvironmental Considerations in Support of Learning: The classroom's physical4(arrangement does not support the lesson.USafety and Arrangement of Furniture: Fails to use standards safety procedures in the&physical environment.RAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources: The physical arrangement8\does not support the learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physicallyinaccessible for some students.VQuality and Timeliness of Feedback: Students are not provided constructive and timely% feedback.RCommunicates Criteria and Standards: Does not communicate assessment criteria and&EX D = Developing; C=Competent; E=ExemplaryD Descriptors for C and E on the following page.bStudent: ________________________________________ Mentor: _______________________________________2:R>  b0Sc1 | #A) F  dMbP?_*+%3ur&C&"Arial,Bold"&12Teaching Lesson Rubric &10A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity, Excellence, and Learning&?'?)?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} m } I} $} }    ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'ybStudent: ________________________________________ Mentor: _______________________________________2: "#######$"  % Circle performance &()*)CElements)))+(  ,level. +-......./-  0 If D, check reason. /E12Communicating Clearly and Accurately (3.1s, 3.3s)$& 22222223  4D  4C  4Ee<VDirections and Procedures: Oral and/or written directions and procedures are unclear.=======>LO7 ` DQOral and Written Language: Oral and/or written communication contains errors, is )))))))+G89 7 (.unclear, and/or is inappropriate for students. )))))))+H89 d 5UStudent Communication: Communication does not facilitate appropriate intern student- 6666666&G89 . -%student or student-student exchanges. ......./H89 i 5ZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English. 6666666&G89 K18Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3.4s-3.6s)+- 22222223  ND  4C  4Ed5UQuality of Questions/Discussion Techniques: Asks low-level questions in a recitation-6666666&FO7 @-7format, resulting in trivialized student participation......../H89 W5HStudent Participation: Students' responses do not reflect new learning.6666666&G89 _1PEngaging Students in Learning (1.3s-1.4s, 1.7s, 1.11s, 1.21s-1.23s, 3.8s-3.14s) 22222223  ND  4C  4Ee5VRepresentation of Content: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a6666666&FO7 2-)result of poor representation of content......../H89 fDWActivities and Assignments: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a)))))))+G89 <(3result of inappropriate activities and assignments.)))))))+H89 g5XGrouping of Students: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a result6666666&G89 #-of inappropriate grouping......../H89 b5SMaterials, Resources, and Technology: Many students are not engaged in significant%6666666&G89 N-Elearning as a result of inappropriate use of materials and resources......../H89 _5PStructure, Sequencing, and Pacing: Many students are not engaged in significant"6666666&G89 g?^learning as a result of a lack of lesson structure and/or inappropriate sequencing and pacing.)))))))+G89 X1IAssessing Student Learning (1.24s-1.25s, 1.27s-1.28s-1.29s, 3.15s-3.17s) 22222223  ND  4C  4EX5IImplementation of Assessment: Assessment is not aligned with the lesson.6666666&LO7 a5RCommunicates Criteria and Standards: Does not communicate assessment criteria and&6666666&G89  -standards to students. ......./H89 @`DHXI[Rd{V`Gr|! '" '# '$ '% '& '' '( ') '* '+ ', '- '. '/ '0 '1 '2 '3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8 '9 ': '; '< '= '> '? '@ ']!DNUse for Planning: Assessment results are not used to plan future instruction.!)))))))+H89 e"@VQuality and Timeliness of Feedback: Students are not provided constructive and timely%"6666666&G89 #A feedback.#......./H:; V$1GDemonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness (1.8s, 3.5s, 3.18s-3.20s). $22222223 $ ND $ 4C $ 4Eb%5SLesson Adjustment: Adheres to the instructional plan in spite of a lack of student%6666666&FO7 #&?understanding or interest.&)))))))+H89 B'53Response to Students: Ignores students' questions.'6666666&M89 b(5SPersistence: Assumes little or no responsibility when students fail to understand. (6666666&G89 ])1NCreating an Environment of Rapport and Respect (2.1s-2.2s, 2.20s-2.21s, 3.2s)0 )22222223 ) ND ) 4C ) 4Ea*5RInteractions with Students: Classroom interactions between the intern student and*6666666&IO7 `+?Wstudents are disrespectful or inappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact,+)))))))+J89 ,- conflict).,......./H89 _-5PStudent Interaction: Classroom interactions among students are disrespectful or-6666666&K89 M.-Dinappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact, conflict)........./G89 ?/10Establishing a Culture for Learning (2.3s-2.5s)% /22222223 / ND / 4C / 4E]05NImportance of Content: Demonstrates a low level of commitment to the content.06666666&LO7 d15UExpectations for Learning and Achievement: Demonstrates low expectations for student*16666666&K89 \2-Sachievement. Student products are not evident or do not reflect relevant learning.2......./P:; 3.........EEE 4"#######$" 4 % Circle performance4 &5()*)5CElements5)))+( 5 ,level.5 +6-......./- 6 0 If D, check reason.6 /:71+Managing Classroom Procedures (2.8s-2.13s) 722222223 7 ND 7 4C 7 4Ek85\Transitions: Transition procedures are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in 86666666&IO7 $9-loss of instructional time.9......./H89 g:5XMaterials and Supplies: Procedures for handling materials and supplies are haphazard,:6666666&K89 N;-Einefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.;......./H89 i<5ZNon-instructional Duties: Procedures for handling non-instructional duties are haphazard,<6666666&K89 N=?Einefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.=)))))))+H89 e>@VVolunteers and Paraprofessionals: Procedures for volunteers and paraprofessionals are!>6666666&K89 Y?APhaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.?......./E:; A@1.Managing Student Behavior (2.7s, 2.14s-2.17s) @22222223 @ ND @ 4C @ 4EDl6Gf7q"HXIHrr}A 'B 'C 'D 'E 'F 'G 'H 'I 'J 'K 'L 'M 'N 'O P Q R S T U V W ZX JY Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` dA5UExpectations: Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of clear expectations. A6666666&LO7 bB5SMonitoring of Student Behavior: Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of!B6666666&K89 (C-monitoring of student behavior.C......./H89 eD5VResponse to Student Behavior: Responds inappropriately to student behavior, resultingD6666666&K89 "E-in loss of learning time.E......./G89 ;F1(Organizing Physical Space (2.18s-2.19s) F22222223 F ND F 4C F 4E]G5NEnvironmental Considerations in Support of Learning: The classroom's physical4G6666666&IO7 1H-(arrangement does not support the lesson.H......./H89 dI5USafety and Arrangement of Furniture: Fails to use standards safety procedures in the&I6666666&K89 J-physical environment.J......./H89 aK5RAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources: The physical arrangement8K6666666&K89 eL?\does not support the learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physicallyL)))))))+K89 (M-inaccessible for some students.M......./G:9 %N5Suggestions for Improvement:N6666B66666& O P Q R S T U V W XaX X D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary XMX!D Descriptors for C and E on the following page.X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ Du lLFUBLI""""""""""""""""a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~   Dl                                Dl    <(>%@2 2 7 F  dMbP?_*+%" ?? U>@7 F  dMbP?_*+%"?? U>@7 ՜.+,0 PXd lt| 3A Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q_1202474017 F`#T`#TOle  EPRINT zCompObjf      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;l?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkopqrstuvwxyz{|}~l4OJ@ EMFzP ` B  F, EMF+@,,F\PEMF+"@ @ $@ !@ 0@?@     !" !" !  " !  " !  '%     Ld5!??Ld:55!??Ld:n:55!??Ldnn55!??Ld55!??Ld 55!??Ld > 55!??Ld>r>55!??Ldrr55!??Ld5!??Ld55!??LdB55!??LdBvB55!??Ldvv55!??Ld55!??Ld5!??LdF55!??LdFzF55!??Ldzz55!??Ld55!??Ld55!??LdJ55!??LdJ~J55!??RpArialx*0&x[w'0X o0Arial1' &ww \XI0dv% % % " !% %   8h    T8gUUAA7Lt Circle performance    %% % " !% %   Rp Arialx*0&x[w'x0 q0Arial1' &ww @\I0dv% % % " !% %   l  T|Rl UUAARkL\Elements %% TplUUAAkLXlevel.  % % " !% %   % % " !% %     T"UUAA"Lt If D, check reason.     % % " !% %   Rp Arialx*0&x[w@0 r0Arial1' &ww :\I0dv% % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LManaging Classroom Procedures #   %  % TkUUAA Ld(2.8s-2.13s)     % % TT9VUUAA9LPDTTUUAALPCTTnUUAAnLPE% % " !% %   Rp Arialx*0&x[w&\0 q0Arial1' &ww \I0dv% % % % " !% %   8% % % % %   T 7UUAA  LdTransitions:  % T,6UUAAPL Transition procedures are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in               % % % % " !% %   RpArialxD51 0&xN51&0t 4o0Arial1' &ww \tI0dv%   T <jUUAA <Lloss of instructional time.      $ % % % % % " !% %   p% % % % %   T pUUAA oLMaterials and Supplies: #      % TpUUAAp?L Procedures for handling materials and supplies are haphazard,     $         % % % % " !% %   %   T UUAA ELinefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.                $ % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LNon-instructional Duties:    % TUUAAAL Procedures for handling non-instructional duties are haphazard,             % % % % " !% %   %   T :UUAA ELinefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.                $ % % % % % " !% %   @p% % % % %   T @oUUAA ?!LVolunteers and Paraprofessionals:t     % T@nUUAA@5L Procedures for volunteers and paraprofessionals are           % % % % " !% %   %   T, tvUUAA tPLhaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.                $ % % % % % % " !% %   % % % % % %   T 7UUAA LManaging Student Behavior#    % TX7NUUAA7LP % TO_UUAAOLt(2.7s, 2.14s-2.17s)A       % % TT9VUUAA9LPDrTTUUAALPClTTnUUAAnLPEc% % " !% %   % % % % " !% %    % % % % %   T  UUAA  LhExpectations:e % T UUAAHL Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of clear expectations.                    % % % % " !% %   % % % % " !% %   @% % % % %   T ?UUAA !LMonitoring of Student Behavior: #       % Tx%>UUAA2LStudent behavior reflects intern student's lack of              % % % % " !% %   %   T DLrUUAA DLmonitoring of student behavior.$        % % % % % " !% %   x% % % % %   T x{UUAA wLResponse to Student Behavior:    % T|xUUAA|x9L Responds inappropriately to student behavior, resulting            % % % % " !% %   %   T UUAA Lin loss of learning time.      $ % % % % % % " !% %   % % % % % %   T #UUAA LOrganizing Physical Space!     % TX$;UUAA$LP % T< UUAA< Lh(2.18s-2.19s)     % % TT9VUUAA9LPDTTUUAALPCTTnUUAAnLPE% % " !% %   % % % % " !% %   D% % % % %   T KCUUAA 4LEnvironmental Considerations in Support of Learning: %        % TL4BUUAALL The classroom's physical   $   % % % % " !% %   %   T< H vUUAA H(Larrangement does not support the lesson.$      % % % % % " !% %   |% % % % %   T0 | UUAA {&LSafety and Arrangement of Furniture:   %    % Th |lUUAA |/LFails to use standards safety procedures in the           % % % % " !% %   % % % " !% %     T UUAA Lxphysical environment.   $ % % " !% %   % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA 8LAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources:           % T~UUAAL The physical arrangement    $ % % % % " !% %   %   Tt FUUAA \Ldoes not support the learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physically           $      $    % T LPzUUAA LLinaccessible for some students.     $    % % % " !% %     T kUUAA LSuggestions for Improvement:   %%% % " !% %   Rp Arialx*0&x[w0  p0Arial1' &ww \ I0dv% % % " !% %   `8  T\msUUAA mXL D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary          % % " !% %     TAmUUAAAmDL Descriptors for C and E on the following page.               % % " !% %   '% (   &% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% 46N% Ld4M4!??% 86N% Ld8M8!??% \6% Ld\\G!??% 86% Ld88H!??% `6% Ld``C!??% 6% Ld!??% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% 8`68% Ld8`;8`C!??% 464% Ld474!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% l6l% Ldlol!??% 6% Ld!??% <6<% Ld<?<!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld  !??% t6t% Ldtwt!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% x6x% Ldx{x!??% 6% Ld!??% |6|% Ld||!??% J6J% LdJMJ!??% \6\% Ld\_\!??% 6% Ld!??% ( % " !%   % ( ( ( ( ( ( " F4(EMF+*@$??FEMF+@ ObjInfoWorkbook>qZSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 Oh+'0HPh  Vicky Farrowx Vicky FarrowxMicrosoft Excel@";@  b0Sc1 | #A) F  dMbP?_*+%3ur&C&"Arial,Bold"&12Teaching Lesson Rubric &10A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity, Excellence, and Learning&?'?)?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} m } I} $} }    ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'ybStudent: ________________________________________ Mentor: _______________________________________2: "#######$"  % Circle performance &()*)CElements)))+(  ,level. +-......./-  0 If D, check reason. /E12Communicating Clearly and Accurately (3.1s, 3.3s)$& 22222223  4D  4C  4Ee<VDirections and Procedures: Oral and/or written directions and procedures are unclear.=======>LO7 ` DQOral and Written Language: Oral and/or written communication contains errors, is )))))))+G89 7 (.unclear, and/or is inappropriate for students. )))))))+H89 d 5UStudent Communication: Communication does not facilitate appropriate intern student- 6666666&G89 . -%student or student-student exchanges. ......./H89 i 5ZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English. 6666666&G89 K18Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3.4s-3.6s)+- 22222223  ND  4C  4Ed5UQuality of Questions/Discussion Techniques: Asks low-level questions in a recitation-6666666&FO7 @-7format, resulting in trivialized student participation......../H89 W5HStudent Participation: Students' responses do not reflect new learning.6666666&G89 _1PEngaging Students in Learning (1.3s-1.4s, 1.7s, 1.11s, 1.21s-1.23s, 3.8s-3.14s) 22222223  ND  4C  4Ee5VRepresentation of Content: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a6666666&FO7 2-)result of poor representation of content......../H89 fDWActivities and Assignments: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a)))))))+G89 <(3result of inappropriate activities and assignments.)))))))+H89 g5XGrouping of Students: Many students are not engaged in significant learning as a result6666666&G89 #-of inappropriate grouping......../H89 b5SMaterials, Resources, and Technology: Many students are not engaged in significant%6666666&G89 N-Elearning as a result of inappropriate use of materials and resources......../H89 _5PStructure, Sequencing, and Pacing: Many students are not engaged in significant"6666666&G89 g?^learning as a result of a lack of lesson structure and/or inappropriate sequencing and pacing.)))))))+G89 X1IAssessing Student Learning (1.24s-1.25s, 1.27s-1.28s-1.29s, 3.15s-3.17s) 22222223  ND  4C  4EX5IImplementation of Assessment: Assessment is not aligned with the lesson.6666666&LO7 a5RCommunicates Criteria and Standards: Does not communicate assessment criteria and&6666666&G89  -standards to students. ......./H89 @`DHXI[Rd{V`Gr|! '" '# '$ '% '& '' '( ') '* '+ ', '- '. '/ '0 '1 '2 '3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8 '9 ': '; '< '= '> '? '@ ']!DNUse for Planning: Assessment results are not used to plan future instruction.!)))))))+H89 e"@VQuality and Timeliness of Feedback: Students are not provided constructive and timely%"6666666&G89 #A feedback.#......./H:; V$1GDemonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness (1.8s, 3.5s, 3.18s-3.20s). $22222223 $ ND $ 4C $ 4Eb%5SLesson Adjustment: Adheres to the instructional plan in spite of a lack of student%6666666&FO7 #&?understanding or interest.&)))))))+H89 B'53Response to Students: Ignores students' questions.'6666666&M89 b(5SPersistence: Assumes little or no responsibility when students fail to understand. (6666666&G89 ])1NCreating an Environment of Rapport and Respect (2.1s-2.2s, 2.20s-2.21s, 3.2s)0 )22222223 ) ND ) 4C ) 4Ea*5RInteractions with Students: Classroom interactions between the intern student and*6666666&IO7 `+?Wstudents are disrespectful or inappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact,+)))))))+J89 ,- conflict).,......./H89 _-5PStudent Interaction: Classroom interactions among students are disrespectful or-6666666&K89 M.-Dinappropriate (e.g., sarcasm, putdowns, physical contact, conflict)........./G89 ?/10Establishing a Culture for Learning (2.3s-2.5s)% /22222223 / ND / 4C / 4E]05NImportance of Content: Demonstrates a low level of commitment to the content.06666666&LO7 d15UExpectations for Learning and Achievement: Demonstrates low expectations for student*16666666&K89 \2-Sachievement. Student products are not evident or do not reflect relevant learning.2......./P:; 3.........EEE 4"#######$" 4 % Circle performance4 &5()*)5CElements5)))+( 5 ,level.5 +6-......./- 6 0 If D, check reason.6 /:71+Managing Classroom Procedures (2.8s-2.13s) 722222223 7 ND 7 4C 7 4Ek85\Transitions: Transition procedures are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in 86666666&IO7 $9-loss of instructional time.9......./H89 g:5XMaterials and Supplies: Procedures for handling materials and supplies are haphazard,:6666666&K89 N;-Einefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.;......./H89 i<5ZNon-instructional Duties: Procedures for handling non-instructional duties are haphazard,<6666666&K89 N=?Einefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.=)))))))+H89 e>@VVolunteers and Paraprofessionals: Procedures for volunteers and paraprofessionals are!>6666666&K89 Y?APhaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, resulting in loss of instructional time.?......./E:; A@1.Managing Student Behavior (2.7s, 2.14s-2.17s) @22222223 @ ND @ 4C @ 4EDl6Gf7q"HXIHrr}A 'B 'C 'D 'E 'F 'G 'H 'I 'J 'K 'L 'M 'N 'O P Q R S T U V W ZX JY Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` dA5UExpectations: Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of clear expectations. A6666666&LO7 bB5SMonitoring of Student Behavior: Student behavior reflects intern student's lack of!B6666666&K89 (C-monitoring of student behavior.C......./H89 eD5VResponse to Student Behavior: Responds inappropriately to student behavior, resultingD6666666&K89 "E-in loss of learning time.E......./G89 ;F1(Organizing Physical Space (2.18s-2.19s) F22222223 F ND F 4C F 4E]G5NEnvironmental Considerations in Support of Learning: The classroom's physical4G6666666&IO7 1H-(arrangement does not support the lesson.H......./H89 dI5USafety and Arrangement of Furniture: Fails to use standards safety procedures in the&I6666666&K89 J-physical environment.J......./H89 aK5RAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources: The physical arrangement8K6666666&K89 eL?\does not support the learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physicallyL)))))))+K89 (M-inaccessible for some students.M......./G:9 %N5Suggestions for Improvement:N6666B66666& O P Q R S T U V W XaX X D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary XMX!D Descriptors for C and E on the following page.X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ Du lLFUBLI""""""""""""""""a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~   Dl                                Dl    <(>K@X 3X 7 F  dMbP?_*+%" ?? U>@7 F  dMbP?_*+%"?? 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